Five Marketing, Sales and Product Podcasts I’m Listening To and You Should Too

At the start of the year my wife and I moved from the heart of the Silicon Docks area of Dublin to Sandycove, a sleepy seaside village in which the first scene of James Joyce’s seminal novel, Ulysses is set.

Moving out of the city means I now have a significantly longer commute to work, but it also means I can listen to many more podcasts. I’m determined to try and use (or perhaps invest is the right word) the 90 minutes I’m now travelling each day and have been subscribing to podcasts on a broad range of topics. I see this time as an opportunity to keep learning. I also enjoy the snackable and semi-structured format of podcasts, which feels more engaging and less scripted or clunky than webinars.

Marketing, Sales and Product Podcasts I’m Listening To and You Should Too

Here’s five truly original podcasts from the worlds of marketing, sales and product that I’d recommend subscribing to. They feature a bunch of smart people that are building great companies and redefining industries:

1. Inside Intercom
On the Inside Intercom podcast you will hear the team from Intercom interview makers and do-ers from the worlds of product management, design, startups and marketing.

2. Ramp: The SaaS Analytics Podcast
Ramp is the SaaS analytics podcast brought you by InsightSquared that explores the stories of how people use data to transform and rapidly grow their business.

3. Seeking Wisdom
Once a week, David Cancel and Dave Gerhardt from Drift share lessons to help you accelerate your learning. It's packed full of advice to grow and lead a startup.

4. The Growth Show
The Growth Show is a business podcast by HubSpot for leaders consumed with driving growth - growing a company, growing a movement, growing an idea, growing a team.

5. The Official Saastr Podcast
The Official Saastr Podcast is the latest and greatest from the world of Saastr, interviewing the most prominent operators and investors to discover their tips, tactics and strategies.

I admire the companies which produce these podcasts and learn much from the insights, stories and case studies they share. Taking a step back it's clear podcasts are a hugely effective tool to engage prospective B2B customers, demonstrate thought leadership and build trust. If they are not part of your current content strategy, now is the time to reconsider your approach.